Randall Gannaway’s “The Treasure of the Sicarii Gospel” takes readers on a riveting journey through the modern-day complexities of the Middle East, blending elements of ancient mystery with contemporary geopolitical intrigue. As Dr. Shane Randall and...
Randall Gannaway’s “The Treasure of the Sicarii Gospel” captivates readers with its thrilling blend of historical mystery, archaeological exploration, and contemporary suspense. With its diverse cast of characters and multifaceted storyline, the...
Yale Divinity School professor Shane Randall’s world is turned upside down when an unexpected discovery ignites a dangerous quest in “The Treasure of the Sicarii Gospel” by Randall Gannaway. Set against the backdrop of modern-day Jerusalem, this...
In his latest book, “Numbers of the Bible: How to Interpret the Mind of God,” Dr. Randall Gannaway offers readers a comprehensive guide to unlocking the mysteries of biblical numerology. Drawing on his expertise in Old and New Testament studies, coupled...
In “Numbers of the Bible: How to Interpret the Mind of God,” Dr. Randall Gannaway takes readers on a journey into the mystical world of biblical numerology. Through meticulous scholarship and insightful analysis, Dr. Gannaway explores the profound...
Dr. Randall Gannaway’s latest book, “Numbers of the Bible: How to Interpret the Mind of God,” is a groundbreaking exploration into the mystical world of biblical numerology. In this insightful work, Dr. Gannaway delves deep into the profound...