Numbers of the Bible

For hundreds of years since the Great Wars, the peoples of Midgard have lived in isolation. Age-old feuds and fears have bred so much hatred that they have almost forgotten their common enemy behind the Dark Mountains in Nilfordor. 

The Treasure of the Sicarii Gospel

Fifteen billion dollars! And not one item has ever been found. Coming to the aid of an old girlfriend, Doctor Shane Randall finds himself caught up in a hunt for the treasure of the Copper Scroll, the strangest of the Dead Sea Scrolls written two thousand years ago and rediscovered in 1952. 

The Tyrfing Saga

For hundreds of years since the Great Wars, the peoples of Midgard have lived in isolation. Age-old feuds and fears have bred so much hatred that they have almost forgotten their common enemy behind the Dark Mountains in Nilfordor. 
